Search widget with multiple sources

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This sample demonstrates how to use the search widget to search on multiple Feature Layer Sources based in given fields. The search widget provides a capability for searching features in FeatureLayers or geocoding locations with a Locator.

To use multiple sources with the search widget, you must set search widget's sources property.

// Setting sources property of the search widget to use two feature layer sources.
var searchWidget = new Search({
    view: view,
    sources: [{
      featureLayer: new FeatureLayer({
        url: "",
      searchFields: ["DISTRICTID"],
      displayField: "DISTRICTID",
      exactMatch: false,
      outFields: ["DISTRICTID", "NAME", "PARTY"],
      name: "Congressional Districts",
      placeholder: "example: 3708",
    }, {
     featureLayer: new FeatureLayer({
        url: "",
      searchFields: ["Name", "Party"],
      suggestionTemplate: "{Name}, Party: {Party}",
      exactMatch: false,
      outFields: ["*"],
      name: "Senators",

Sample search results


There were no match results from your search criteria.