require(["esri/widgets/Search"], function(Search) { /* code goes here */ });
Class: esri/widgets/Search
Inheritance: Search Widget Accessor
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.0

The Search widget provides a way to perform search operations on locator service(s) and/or map/feature service feature layer(s). If using a locator with a geocoding service, the findAddressCandidates operation is used, whereas queries are used on feature layers.


You can use the view's DefaultUI to add widgets to the view's user interface via the ui property on the view. See the example below.

For information about gaining full control of widget styles, see the Styling topic.
See also:
var searchWidget = new Search({
  view: view
// Adds the search widget below other elements in
// the top left corner of the view
view.ui.add(searchWidget, {
  position: "top-left",
  index: 2


new Search(properties)

properties Object

See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.

// typical usage
var search = new Search({
  view: view,
  sources: [ ... ]

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Working with Properties topic.
FeatureLayer | Locator

The source object currently selected.

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The selected source's index.

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String value used as a hint for input text when searching on multiple sources.

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Indicates whether to automatically select and zoom to the first geocoded result.

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String | HTMLElement

The ID or node representing the DOM element containing the widget.

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The name of the class.

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LocatorSource | FeatureLayerSource

The default source used for the Search widget.

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When true, this property indicates whether the widget has been destroyed.

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The unique ID assigned to the widget when the widget is created.

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The maximum number of results returned by the widget if not specified by the source.

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The maximum number of suggestions returned by the widget if not specified by the source.

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The minimum number of characters needed for the search if not specified by the source.

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Indicates whether to display the Popup on feature click.

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Indicates whether to show the Popup when a result is selected.

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A customized PopupTemplate for the selected feature.

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The graphic used to highlight the resulting feature or location.

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Indicates if the resultGraphic will display at the location of the selected feature.

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An array of objects, each containing a SearchResult from the search.

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Indicates whether to display the option to search all sources.

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Indicates if a search or locate task are in the process of searching.

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The value of the search box input text string.

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The result selected from a search.

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The Search widget may be used to search features in a FeatureLayer or geocode locations with a Locator.

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An array of results from the suggest method.

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Enable suggestions for the widget.

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MapView | SceneView

A reference to the MapView or SceneView.

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The view model for this widget.

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Property Details


The source object currently selected. Can be either a feature layer or a locator task.


The selected source's index. This value is -1 when all sources are selected.

Default Value: 0


String value used as a hint for input text when searching on multiple sources. See the image below to view the location and style of this text in the context of the widget.


Default Value: "Find address or place"


Indicates whether to automatically select and zoom to the first geocoded result. If false, the findAddressCandidates operation will still geocode the input string, but the top result will not be selected. To work with the geocoded results, you can set up a search-complete event handler and get the results through the event object.

Default Value: true

The ID or node representing the DOM element containing the widget. This property can only be set once.


The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.


The default source used for the Search widget. These can range from a Locator Source to a Feature Layer.


When true, this property indicates whether the widget has been destroyed.

The unique ID assigned to the widget when the widget is created. If not set by the developer, it will default to the container ID, or if that is not present then it will be automatically generated.


The maximum number of results returned by the widget if not specified by the source.

Default Value: 6


The maximum number of suggestions returned by the widget if not specified by the source.

If working with the default ArcGIS Online Geocoding service, the default remains at 5.

Default Value: 6


The minimum number of characters needed for the search if not specified by the source.

Default Value: 1


Indicates whether to display the Popup on feature click. The graphic can be clicked to display a Popup. This is not the same as using popupOpenOnSelect which opens the Popup any time a search is performed.

It is possible to have popupOpenOnSelect=false but popupEnabled=true so the Popup can be opened by someone but it is not opened by default.

Default Value: true


Indicates whether to show the Popup when a result is selected. Using popupOpenOnSelect opens the Popup any time a search is performed.

It is possible to have popupOpenOnSelect=false but popupEnabled=true so the Popup can be opened by someone but not opened by default.

Default Value: true


A customized PopupTemplate for the selected feature. Note that specifying a wildcard {*} for the popupTemplate will return all fields in addition to search-specific fields.


The graphic used to highlight the resulting feature or location.


Indicates if the resultGraphic will display at the location of the selected feature.

Default Value: true


An array of objects, each containing a SearchResult from the search.


Indicates whether to display the option to search all sources. When true, the "All" option is displayed by default:


When false, no option to search all sources at once is available:


Default Value: true


Indicates if a search or locate task are in the process of searching.

Default Value: false


The value of the search box input text string.


The result selected from a search.

See also:


The Search widget may be used to search features in a FeatureLayer or geocode locations with a Locator. The sources property defines the sources from which to search for the view specified by the Search widget instance. There are two types of sources:

Any combination of one or more Locator and FeatureLayer sources may be used together in the same instance of the Search widget.

// Default sources[] when sources is not specified
    locator: new Locator({ url: "//" }),
    singleLineFieldName: "SingleLine",
    outFields: ["Addr_type"],
    name: i18n.esriLocatorName,
    localSearchOptions: {
      minScale: 300000,
      distance: 50000
    placeholder: i18n.placeholder,
    resultSymbol: new PictureMarkerSymbol({
       url: this.basePath + "/images/search/search-symbol-32.png",
       size: 24,
       width: 24,
       height: 24,
       xoffset: 0,
       yoffset: 0
// Example of multiple sources[]
var sources = [
  locator: new Locator({ url: "//" }),
  singleLineFieldName: "SingleLine",
  name: "Custom Geocoding Service",
  localSearchOptions: {
    minScale: 300000,
    distance: 50000
  placeholder: "Search Geocoder",
  maxResults: 3,
  maxSuggestions: 6,
  suggestionsEnabled: false,
  minSuggestCharacters: 0
}, {
  featureLayer: new FeatureLayer({
    url: "",
    outFields: ["*"]
  searchFields: ["Email", "URL"],
  displayField: "Email",
  exactMatch: false,
  outFields: ["*"],
  name: "Point FS",
  placeholder: "example: esri",
  maxResults: 6,
  maxSuggestions: 6,
  suggestionsEnabled: true,
  minSuggestCharacters: 0
  featureLayer: new FeatureLayer({
    outFields: ["*"]
  placeholder: "esri",
  name: "A FeatureLayer",
  prefix: "",
  suffix: "",
  maxResults: 1,
  maxSuggestions: 6,
  exactMatch: false,
  searchFields: [], // defaults to FeatureLayer.displayField
  displayField: "", // defaults to FeatureLayer.displayField
  minSuggestCharacters: 0
// Set source(s) on creation
var searchWidget = new Search({
  sources: []
// Set source(s)
var searchWidget = new Search();
var sources = [{ ... }, { ... }, { ... }]; //array of sources
searchWidget.sources = sources;
// Add to source(s)
var searchWidget = new Search();
searchWidget.sources.push({ ... });  //new source


An array of results from the suggest method.

This is available if working with a 10.3 geocoding service that has suggest capability loaded or a 10.3 feature layer that supports pagination, i.e. supportsPagination = true.


Enable suggestions for the widget.

This is only available if working with a 10.3 geocoding service that has suggest capability loaded or a 10.3 feature layer that supports pagination, i.e. supportsPagination = true.

Default Value: true

A reference to the MapView or SceneView. Set this to link the widget to a specific view.

The view model for this widget. This is a class that contains all the logic (properties and methods) that controls this widget's behavior. See the SearchViewModel class to access all properties and methods on the widget.

Method Overview

NameReturn TypeSummary

Unfocuses the widget's text input.

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Clears the current searchTerm, search results, suggest results, graphic, and graphics layer.

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Destroys the widget instance.

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Brings focus to the widget's text input.

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Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name.

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Registers an event handler on the instance.

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Widget teardown helper.

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This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets.

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This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets.

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Renders widget to the DOM immediately.

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This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets.

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Depending on the sources specified, search() queries the feature layer(s) and/or performs address matching using any specified Locator(s) and returns any applicable results.

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Finalizes the creation of the widget.

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Performs a suggest() request on the active Locator.

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Method Details


Unfocuses the widget's text input.


Clears the current searchTerm, search results, suggest results, graphic, and graphics layer. It also hides any open menus.


Destroys the widget instance.


Brings focus to the widget's text input.


Indicates whether there is an event listener on the instance that matches the provided event name.

type String

The name of the event.

BooleanReturns true if the class supports the input event.

on(type, listener){Object}inherited

Registers an event handler on the instance. Call this method to hook an event with a listener. See the Events summary table for a list of listened events.

type String

The name of event to listen for.

listener Function

The function to call when the event is fired.

ObjectReturns an event handler with a remove() method that can be called to stop listening for the event.
removeFunctionWhen called, removes the listener from the event.
See also:
view.on("click", function(event){
  // event is the event handle returned after the event fires.


Widget teardown helper. Any handles added to it will be automatically removed when the widget is destroyed.

handles Handle[]

@type - handles to remove when destroyed


This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. Executes after widget is ready for rendering.


This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. It must be implemented by subclasses for rendering.

ObjectThe rendered virtual node.


Renders widget to the DOM immediately.


This method is primarily used by developers when implementing custom widgets. Schedules widget rendering. This method is useful for changes affecting the UI.

Depending on the sources specified, search() queries the feature layer(s) and/or performs address matching using any specified Locator(s) and returns any applicable results.


This searchTerm can be a string, geometry, suggest candidate object, or an array of [longitude,latitude] coordinate pairs. If a geometry is supplied, then it will reverse geocode (locator) or findAddressCandidates with geometry instead of text.

PromiseWhen resolved, returns an array of objects, each containing a SearchResult.


  • since version 4.2.

Finalizes the creation of the widget.


Performs a suggest() request on the active Locator. It also uses the current value of the widget or one that is passed in.

Suggestions are available if working with a 10.3 geocoding service that has "suggest" capability loaded or a 10.3 feature layer that supports pagination, i.e. supportsPagination = true.

value String

The string value used to suggest() on an active Locator or feature layer. If nothing is passed in, takes the current value of the widget.

PromiseWhen resolved, returns an object containing an array of suggestions.

Type Definitions


The following properties define a FeatureLayer-based source whose features may be searched by the Search widget.

autoNavigate Boolean

Indicates whether to automatically navigate to the selected result once selected. The default is true.

displayField String

The results are displayed using this field. Defaults to the layer's displayField or the first string field.

exactMatch Boolean

Indicates to only return results that match the search value exactly. Default is false. This property only applies to string field searches. exactMatch is always true when searching fields of type number.

featureLayer FeatureLayer

The feature layer queried in the search. This is required.

filter Object

As of version 4.4, this property replaces the now deprecated searchQueryParams, suggestQueryParams, and searchExtent properties. Please see the object specification table below for details.

where String

The where clause specified for filtering suggests or search results.

geometry Geometry

The filter geometry for suggests or search results.

maxResults Number

Indicates the maximum number of search results to return. The default value is 6.

maxSuggestions Number

Indicates the maximum number of suggestions to return for the widget's input. The default value is 6.

minSuggestCharacters Number

Indicates the minimum number of characters required before querying for a suggestion. The default value is 1.

name String

The name of the source for display.

outFields String[]

Specifies the fields returned with the search results.

placeholder String

Used as a hint for the source input text.

popup Popup

The Popup instance used for the selected result.

popupEnabled Boolean

Indicates whether to display a Popup when a selected result is clicked. The default is true.

popupOpenOnSelect Boolean

Indicates whether to show the Popup when a result is selected. The default value is true.

prefix String

Specify this to prefix the input for the search text.

resultGraphicEnabled Boolean

Indicates whether to show a graphic on the map for the selected source using the resultSymbol. The default value is true.

resultSymbol Symbol

The symbol used for the resultGraphic.

searchFields String[]

An array of string values representing the names of fields in the feature layer to search.

suffix String

Specify this to suffix the input for the search value.

suggestionsEnabled Boolean

Indicates whether to display suggestions as the user enters input text in the widget. The default value is true.

suggestionTemplate String

A template string used to display multiple fields in a defined order when suggestions are displayed. This takes precedence over displayField. Field names in the template must have the following format: {FieldName}. An example suggestionTemplate could look something like: Name: {OWNER}, Parcel: {PARCEL_ID}.

withinViewEnabled Boolean

Indicates whether to constrain the search results to the view's extent.

zoomScale Number

Applicable to the specified source. If the result does not have an associated extent, specify this number to use as the zoom scale for the result.


The following properties define a source pointing to a Locator that may be used to geocode locations with the Search widget.

autoNavigate Boolean

Indicates whether to automatically navigate to the selected result once selected. The default is true.

categories String[]

A string array which limits the results to one or more categories. For example "Populated Place" or "airport". Only applicable when using the World Geocode Service. View the World Geocoding Service documentation for more information.

countryCode String

Constricts search results to a specified country code. For example, US for United States or SE for Sweden. Only applies to the World Geocode Service. View the World Geocoding Service documentation for more information.

filter Object

As of version 4.4, this property replaces the now deprecated searchQueryParams, suggestQueryParams, and searchExtent properties. Please see the object specification table below for details.

where String

The where clause specified for filtering suggests or search results.

geometry Geometry

The filter geometry for suggests or search results.

localSearchOptions Object

Sets the sources for local distance and minScale for searching. See the object specification table below for details.

distance Number

The distance to search.

minScale Number

The minimum scale used to search locally.

locationToAddressDistance Number

When reverse geocoding a result, use this distance in meters. The default is 1500.

locator Locator

The locator task used to search. This is required and defaults to the World Geocoding Service.

maxResults Number

Indicates the maximum number of search results to return. The default value is 6.

maxSuggestions Number

Indicates the maximum number of suggestions to return for the widget's input. The default value is 6.

minSuggestCharacters Number

Indicates the minimum number of characters required before querying for a suggestion. The default value is 1.

name String

The name of the source for display.

outFields String[]

Specifies the fields returned with the search results.

placeholder String

Used as a hint for the source input text.

popup Popup

The Popup instance used for the selected result.

popupEnabled Boolean

Indicates whether to display a Popup when a selected result is clicked. The default is true.

popupOpenOnSelect Boolean

Indicates whether to show the Popup when a result is selected. The default value is true.

prefix String

Specify this to prefix the input for the search text.

resultGraphicEnabled Boolean

Indicates whether to show a graphic on the map for the selected source using the resultSymbol. The default value is true.

resultSymbol Symbol

The symbol used for the resultGraphic.

searchTemplate String

A template string used to display multiple fields in a defined order when results are displayed, e.g. "{Street}, {City}, {ZIP}".

singleLineFieldName String

The field name of the Single Line Address Field in the REST services directory for the locator service. Common values are SingleLine and SingleLineFieldName.

suggestionsEnabled Boolean

Indicates whether to display suggestions as the user enters input text in the widget. The default value is true.

suffix String

Specify this to suffix the input for the search value.

withinViewEnabled Boolean

Indicates whether to constrain the search results to the view's extent.

zoomScale Number

Applicable to the specified source. If the result does not have an associated extent, specify this number to use as the zoom scale for the result.


The result object returned from a search().

extent Extent

The extent, or bounding box, of the returned feature.

feature Graphic

The resulting feature or location obtained from the search.

name String

The name of the result.

Event Overview


Fires when the widget's text input loses focus.

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Fires when a result is cleared from the input box or a new result is selected.

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{activeSourceIndex: Number,errors: Error[],numResults: Number,searchTerm: String,results: Object[],}

Fires when the search() method is called and returns its results.

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Fires when the widget's text input sets focus.

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Fires when the search() method starts.

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{result: Object,source: Object,sourceIndex: Number}

Fires when a search result is selected.

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{activeSourceIndex: Number,errors: Error[],numResults: Number,searchTerm: String,results: Object[],}

Fires when the suggest method is called and returns its results.

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Fires when the suggest() method starts.

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Event Details


Fires when the widget's text input loses focus.

var searchWidget = new Search();

searchWidget.on("search-blur", function(event){
  console.log("Focus removed from search input textbox.");


Fires when a result is cleared from the input box or a new result is selected.

var searchWidget = new Search();

searchWidget.on("search-clear", function(event){
  console.log("Search input textbox was cleared.");


Fires when the search() method is called and returns its results.

activeSourceIndex Number

The index of the source from which the search result was obtained.

errors Error[]

An array of error objects returned from the search results.

numResults Number

The number of results from the search.

searchTerm String

The searched expression.

results Object[]

An array of objects representing the results of the search. See object specification table below for more information about the result object.

results Object[]

An array of objects containing the search results. See object specification table below for more information on this object.

extent Extent

The extent of the result to zoom to.

feature Graphic

The graphic feature to place at the location of the search result.

name String

The string name of the searched location.

sourceIndex Number

The index of the currently selected source.

source Object

The source of the selected result.

var searchWidget = new Search();

searchWidget.on("search-complete", function(event){
  // The results are stored in the event Object[]
  console.log("Results of the search: ", event);


Fires when the widget's text input sets focus.

var searchWidget = new Search();

searchWidget.on("search-focus", function(event){
  console.log("Search input textbox is focused.");


Fires when the search() method starts.

var searchWidget = new Search();

searchWidget.on("search-start", function(event){
  console.log("Search started.");


Fires when a search result is selected.

result Object

An object containing the results of the search.

extent Extent

The extent of the result to zoom to.

feature Graphic

The graphic feature to place at the location of the search result.

name String

The string name of the geocoded location.

source Object

The source of the selected result. Please see sources for additional information on its properties.

sourceIndex Number

The index of the source of the selected result.

var searchWidget = new Search();

searchWidget.on("select-result", function(event){
  console.log("The selected search result: ", event);


Fires when the suggest method is called and returns its results.

activeSourceIndex Number

The index of the source from which suggestions are obtained. This value is -1 when all sources are selected.

errors Error[]

An array of error objects returned from the suggest results.

numResults Number

The number of suggest results.

searchTerm String

The search expression used for the suggest.

results Object[]

An array of objects representing the results of suggest. See object specification table below for more information about the result object.

results Object[]

An array of objects containing the suggest results. See object specification table below for more information on this object.

extent Extent

The extent of the suggested result.

feature Graphic

The graphic feature to place at the location of the search result.

name String

The string name of the searched location.

isCollection Boolean

Indicates if the result is a Collection.

magicKey String

The magic key related to the suggest result.

text String

The string name of the suggested location to geocode.

sourceIndex Number

The index of the currently selected source.

source Object

The source of the selected result.

var searchWidget = new Search();

searchWidget.on("suggest-complete", function(event){
  // The results are stored in the event Object[]
  console.log("Results of suggest: ", event);


Fires when the suggest() method starts.

var searchWidget = new Search();

searchWidget.on("suggest-start", function(event){
  console.log("suggest-start", event);

API Reference search results


There were no match results from your search criteria.