require(["esri/renderers/smartMapping/statistics/uniqueValues"], function(uniqueValues) { /* code goes here */ });
Function: esri/renderers/smartMapping/statistics/uniqueValues
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.4

Function that queries for unique values from a field in a FeatureLayer or SceneLayer.

Known Limitations

  • Only FeatureLayer and SceneLayer layer types are supported, except in the following scenarios:
    • FeatureLayers created with source graphics or feature collections.
    • SceneLayers without the supportsRenderer and supportsLayerQuery capabilties enabled, unless a predefined statistics object is passed to the statistics parameter of the method in conjuction with the layer. To check a SceneLayer's capabilities, use the getFieldInfoUsage() method.

Method Overview

NameReturn TypeSummary

Returns an object containing an array of unique values queried from a given field in a Layer along with the total count of features that contain the pertinent value or belong to the given category.

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Method Details


Returns an object containing an array of unique values queried from a given field in a Layer along with the total count of features that contain the pertinent value or belong to the given category.

params Object

See the table below for details of each parameter.


The layer from which to query for unique values.

field String

The name of the numeric or string field from which the unique values will be obtained.

features Graphic[]

If the FeatureLayer is constructed with client-side graphics or you would like to calculate statistics based on a subset of features, then pass the features in this parameter.

returnAllCodedValues Boolean

Indicates that all domain codes should be returned if the given field has domain values.

PromiseReturns a promise that resolves to UniqueValuesResult.
var layer = new FeatureLayer({
  portalItem: { id: "5ce5374a461e45bab714b43ffedf151d" }

  layer: layer,
  field: "Candidate"
  // prints each unique value and the count of features containing that value
  var infos = response.uniqueValueInfos;
    console.log("CANDIDATE: ", info.value, " # OF CAMPAIGN STOPS: ", info.count);

Type Definitions


An object that contains the unique values returned from the uniqueValues() query of a layer's field.

uniqueValueInfos Object[]

An array of objects, each containing a unique value/type/category present in the field specifed in the uniqueValues() query. See table below for the specification of each object.

value String | Number

A unique value representing a type or category of features in the layer.

count Number

The number of features assigned the given value (or belonging to the given category).

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